We offer health tourism privileges at

Patalya Resort Hotels with the quality and assurance of Başkent University.

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Başkent University BUTO Tourism and Organization is

with you in your domestic and international transportation and organizations.

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With the difference of Patalya Resort Hotels,

you can spend some of your holiday in Gölbaşı and some in Kızılcahamam.

Click to see more.

You are invited to one of the Turkish and International Cuisine courses of Başkent University THERMOPOLIUM GASTRONOMY ACADEMY,

whether on your holiday or later.

Click to see more.

In Patalya Resort Hotels’ kitchens, we offer additive-free and completely natural products that are produced in

our farm and Açkar Dairy Products facilities.

Click to see more.


Kızılcahamam Patalya Thermal Resort Hotel

Telephone : 0312 736 02 00 Fax : 0312 736 02 10

E-mail : info@patalyahotels.com

Gölbaşı Patalya Lakeside Resort Hotel

Telephone : 0312 484 44 44 Fax : 0312 484 46 46

E-mail: golbasi@patalyahotels.com